Welcome to FRDCSA

Formalized Research Database: Cluster, Study & Apply

Get Started with Altruistic Artificial Intelligence Software

About the Project


Our Mission

To use free/libre artificial intelligence software to improve the way we live on a daily basis.

Our Plan

We have over 400,000 goals lodged in our planning system, and use temporal planning algorithms to effect them.

Our Vision

To help enable people to solve the problems confronting them with no financial or other barriers.

Use Cases

Everyone can use. But the disadvantaged stand to benefit the most.


We have many smart software systems that can be run on a home computer to make your life easier.

Formalized Research Database (FRD)

Intended as a "universal database of all mathematical knowledge." Anyone can use it. It will be comprehensive and run on any free platform.

Cluster, Study and Apply (CSA)

A universal database of all free/libre and open source software.

Free Life Planner (FLP)

A comprehensive planner for daily life, including meal planning, financial planning, health planning, transportation planning, and every other conceivable planning domain.


Check out a few of the comments this project has received:

Highly logical, abstract thinker, humanitarian. Dedicated to this project for so long, never known anyone so dedicated to anything so long in my entire life. Especially after all the adversities, all the times you've lost it and started over.

You can tell the time and energy put into this. Authentic "why" through lived experience of the problem.

He doesn't want others to experience very negative life events he's been through. He already has experience building the tools.

Makes sense how you single-handedly built FRDCSA. You are an example of what is possible when you use computer assistance versus only our brain.

Impressive background and important project.

It takes a will of steel to get through so much. And I applaud you and look up to you for that. To not only get through it, but also try help others get through the same challenges.

I don’t think the motivation for software conglomeration is difficult to understand, even for the uninitiated. When I explain the concept to non-programmers the general reaction is like “well I thought that’s what programmers already did”, and for programmers the only question usually is just the feasibility of it.

This is part of why I like the FRDCSA idea. It's explicitly about integrating all the software, not setting out to be a specific thing 'as opposed to' other projects / scopes / purposes / goals / implementations / etc..

I admire your encyclopedic knowledge about existing stuff of any kind... seriously.

I absolutely love your work! I share it any time I can. Legitimately fantastic, awe-inspiring, one of my absolute favorite projects I've ever seen.

Two very important aspects of your project that should apply to all ontology efforts. Approach a problem by reducing it to a harder problem, I.e. put your problem in a broader systems context, and Evaluation of anything developed should ultimately be in terms of how it produces value for the user, requiring operations and pragmatics to be brought into the picture. Excellent work.

Can't say I've found anything that I'd call a 'defect' in your theory. Of course there were minor details in your original formulation of the logical statements that had to be sorted out. But even though my AGDA formalization isn't quite 100% yet, I have no doubt at this point that the assertions about the neccessity of aggregation are true, mathematically.

I have a general sense that Goedelian results can be made more 'useful', like the standard way these things are taught or at least how I seem to have originally learned, you encounter the undecidability of the halting problem, so you just say 'oh well, don't try to solve the halting problem', the end...

...Chaitin saw there was a lot more interesting structure to be elaborated, in an information-theoretic context. With Chaitin you get actually a kind of positive result, not just the negative result of Goedel: you know something quantitatively about what you need to do build 'stronger' programs...

...And now you are taking those results and actually applying them as an engineering problem. Off the top of my head I can't think of anybody else who is doing anything that I would call 'applying' Goedel.

Call To Action

We want you to try out our system and let us know what you think. A pre-alpha version is available now. We are also working to release the complete system ASAP.

Call To Action


I come from a mathematics and chess background, so I'm interested in using logic to solve planning problems - to treat the world as a "game" and then win that game by proving that bad things don't happen to people. Early in college, I proved a corollary of Goedel's first incompleteness theorem (and then much later wrote it down), which showed that for any infinite sequence of increasingly powerful artificial intelligence programs, the individual programs must eventually become larger (see also sto0pkid's work to mechanically verify a slightly corrected form of the write-up). Working backwards, this motivated me to collect and package, as well as write, as much software as feasible.



FRDCSA and FLP are available under the terms of the GPL version 3 license. Furthermore, we do not charge for the software. So it is both gratis (free as in beer) and libre (free as in liberty).



  • Free Life Planner
  • Panoply GNU/Linux



  • Free Life Planner
  • Panoply GNU/Linux



  • Free Life Planner
  • Panoply GNU/Linux

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who does this project benefit?

    Everyone. This project is available freely both in terms of price and to modify. The ability to copy software endlessly at next to no charge enables us to reach the far corners of the internet, and the ability to freely create derivative works allows people to customize it to their needs. But it doesn't stop there, because our software can be used to help those even without an internet connection.

  • We are attempting to collect algorithmic solutions to as many computational problems as we can. Thus, our software archive contains solutions to large numbers of computational problems. The problems that people routinely face are usually reducible to these computational problems. In the Free Life Planner, we use existing technology to develop plans across multiple levels of granularity which provide options and help guide the user from their phone and computer towards the achievement of their stated goals.

  • We collect and use cutting-edge free/libre software systems, and get them all to talk and interface with each other, and track problem state on a blackboard. We use the inherent advantages of each collected program in its intended application domain.

  • This project is an example of what can be achieved when automation is pursued first and foremost. It was developed by a sole programmer, but is being released in order to make it easier for others to use and contribute.

  • Yes, but not to the requisite extent. The idea is to make it a first-class effort. Ideally there would be like a Manhattan or an Apollo project to initiate AGI. Think in terms of the difference between a model rocket and the Space Shuttle.

  • Yes. If all the people who wondered whether it was feasible started pitching in, we would have been "finished" 10 years ago. Technically it's an open-ended project that can never end (a relativized or reformed Hilbert's program) due to the inexhaustibility of mathematical truth. But the basic goals of the project could be easily met by a dedicated team of developers. In order to help build this team, we are looking at Multiagent team formation strategies.


We want to hear from you! How can we make our software better serve you?

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