Current internal codebases, sorted alphabetically
- Internal codebases are software we have written in order to further our aims to collect and integrate software and to solve problems that affect people using FLOSS software. Most of the systems are 1st generation and will either evolve out of additions and integrations or be rewritten. They are mostly written in OO Perl. The Arch gifs are of the actual code.

Shoestring public health
Akahige is a free medical assistant and an "ai Physician" to be
used when a physician is unavailable.
It will contain an expert
system for diagnosing medical problems.
In this way otherwise
unavailable medical knowledge may be brought to bear.
It also
makes use of folk medicinal knowledge.
RSR/Gourmet/Akahige provide a robust record mechanism with which
to determine empirically the effectiveness of various remedies
(evidence-based medicine?).
The diagnosis system immediately
wraps into an execution component.
For instance if someone is in
need of emergency assistance like CPR, akahige provides
interactive instruction.
A large set of SOPs and COAs are stored
and if interested or necessary may be taught to people using

Language Acquisition ITS
ALL is a system that supports many tasks of language learning.
Knowledge of other languages is deemed essential to education of
the mind and, when combined with clear, opens the door to immense
quantities of knowledge.
ALL supports this task for both written
and spoken language (a necessity).
It interfaces with bard,
clear, and picform.

Text browsing assistant via modular proxy
A very featureful way to browse the web more intelligently by
integrating offline analysis based on user profile information,
with many modules to improve the utility an actionability of the
interface based on other FRDCSA tools.
Also a forerunning of what
is to be done with emacs buffers in kmax.

Anti-Spam Console
Tests spamfilter results
Should be installed on the machine running the mail server, as
well as a separate machine.

Software to install on spam filtering nodes.
Consists of a Debian package to be installed on remote machines.
Includes Current SA installation, updated rules, custom rules, and
scripts to allow antispam-console to interact with the nodes.

Apartment Finder
Locate apartments
Provides many sophisticated apartment finding functions.
Looks at
factors such as location, price, certain features.

Requirements and capabilities PSE
Architect semi-automatically brokers project goals and
requirements with software capabilities.
On the one hand, it is
active as a master planner and scheduler in the software
development and acquisition phases, and on the other, it executes
the application of packaged software from packager to satisfy
goals from pse.

General tool for manipulating words and wordplay.
Originally written as a poetry composition system, bard has
basically been used for its ability to find the right word or
phrase that satisfies many constraints.
It can do many simple
things (often by using external programs), such as generate
acronyms, generate rhymes, and select words by syntactic/semantic
Eventually plan to add many more features, such as
connation, opinion analysis, phonosematic word creation, more
language modelling, CSP, etc. These features will be added as the
systems they depend on are integrated.

Software engineering manager for project management
BOSS coordinates the software development of our internal
codebases, the applications that we are writing to either
effectively glue together external codebases as in most cases or
as mostly independent projects (like gourmet).
BOSS converses
with architect to coordinate development of icodebases with
respect to overall goals, and radar and Machiavelli to provide a
project development simulator for use in reasoning about other
projects, and in general, to answer software development
BOSS also automates many of the aspects of writing

Records users' work on various projects
The point of brainleach is to record the user's work on certain
By recording all the commands, grouping them and asking
the user to document what they are doing with the commands.

System to track material/informational demand
The broker system is a buy/sell interface which models clients and
It is mainly intended for use in managing personal
property, but can be applied to other domains.
Core features
include the ability to determine whether a purchase or sale is
justified based on its necessity to PSE/Verber.
It also attempts
to record and learn from experience as to what purchases were

Command line bus planner
Effective bus route planner module that interfaces with the verber
Provides support for two basic kinds of actions,
boarding, staying on, and exiting a bus, and walking between
locations (currently only bus activities implemented.)

Make neighborhood street lists for petitioning
Initial requirements: Takes a street address as input and
generates a list of voters living on all streets living within a
certain radius of that street address.
Probably uses free TIGER
mapping data and voter database from the county (tells you how to
get this list as well).
However we plan on allowing for mulitple
circulators (petitioners) and doing travelling salesmen/
coordinated route planning.
Also all political causes must be
approved by our Machiavelli system.
Just kidding.

Classification services
Before our project became committed to 100% FOI, we planned to
classify various parts of the system.
Now classify is mainly used
to help release software to the Public.
It performs
de-identification, that is, removes personal data from data to be
It also checks the licensing of data sets and software
we wish to release.

Computer LEarning ARchitecture
Intelligent Tutoring system for distance learning.
reading lists for content areas, automatically determines reading
list dependencies.
Uses TTS to read documents.
Records user's
attention during reading.
Generates tests from documents for
placement or assessment.
Eventually, expect to integrate webcam
based eye-tracking system, so that records of what has been read

Automated synthesis of books from domain texts
Integration of many smaller domain texts into a coherent and
readable paper is no small task.
The process is also useful
beyond journal entry composition.
It is useful in both
persuasive and informative contexts as well.

Code Monkey
As a sign of the progress of our systems, we now have more or less
a need for an "automated programmer" (or Debian maintainer).
is because, much in the same way that CMU's gaze estimator builds
on their stable platform for Active Appearance models which
accurately model head position, we now have a large architecture
for manipulating and working on packages.
This allows us to mount
a "code-monkey", i.e. gives us the setting in which to develop
tools which can be applied to improving what already exists in
terms of automated methods for dealing with code.
Therefore the
code-monkey system is appropriate.
It fits in naturally with the
existing hierarchy - radar predator architect boss (code-monkey).

Indescript focused crawler for package retrieval
Due to the relative complexity of radar, seeker is being created
first as a separate project and then integrated as the focused
crawling system for radar.
The point of seeker is to simply try
to find and classify as many project pages as possible.

Contemplating Relations Interactively To Improve Connections
The critic system is a framework to review entries for suitability
to a given goal or task.
It allows the user to categorize and
rate the entries.
At each point the system determines on the
basis of ratings and categorization whether the user should review
items they have already seen, rate cached items they have not, and
whether to retrieve more entries in specific categories.
This can
be interfaced to capabilities management and radar, recipe
reviewing, perl module reviewing, sources.list entry reviewing,
and so on.

Contemplating Relations Interactively To Improve Connections
The critic system is a framework to review entries for suitability
to a given goal or task.
It allows the user to categorize and
rate the entries.
At each point the system determines on the
basis of ratings and categorization whether the user should review
items they have already seen, rate cached items they have not, and
whether to retrieve more entries in specific categories.
This can
be interfaced to capabilities management and radar, recipe
reviewing, perl module reviewing, sources.list entry reviewing,
and so on.

Comprehensive Software Ontology
The result of spidering and information extraction in the domain
of software applications.
A subsystem of radar that integrates
online software metadata sites.
Defines a metadata standard for
the myfrdcsa and provides search functions of metadata
Eventually these capabilities will join with others
such as spidering and sophisticated focused web searching and
classification techniques for actual web-mining of software and
issuing automatic retrieval tactics.
It handles reputation
management of online sources.

Dynamically generates user-interfaces.
Diamond is a system for generating user interfaces.
The basic notion
is that UIs are generated to modify data structures and program states
in a repeatable yet customizable fashion.
Expert systems and KBs for
generating interfaces, like the MayaViz project to the same effect.
Interfaces for editting arbitrary data structures.
modelling of the user to enhance the effectiveness of the interface.
Dynamic generation of the interface.
Device specific target interface

DigiLib is a digital library system. We intend on using one of the standard ones: Eprints, GreenStone, or Dspace to provide the underlying functionality. In the mean time, we are using KBFS and some custom scripts.
It provides services to many useful systems. This includes CLEAR, Ebooks, and Textbook Knowledge Formation.
It provides software which searches online sources of the book before we scan it, which also calculates, based on perceived utility of the book, whether it should be scanned, or if it can be found for cheaper (Gutenberg, ACM, etc.). Included in this calculation for instance is the cost of the book if we are to destroy it. This will all relate to the purchasing end of the project. That end is what I should be working on right now.
As with all project systems and data, it uses the license management system to ensure full compliance with legal obligations.

Simple, completeable checklists
Disciple consists of a system of checklists that the user can
Learning is applied to the singular task of completing
the checklist (baby steps), rather than the multiple tasks on the
checklist, reducing the number of parameters.
A library of
checklists aids the user in completing common tasks.
A parallel
should be drawn to the comprehensive checklists used by pilots.

Presents and discusses FRDCSA ideology and technology
One function is to create a special purpose conversational agent
for use in presenting the project to interested individuals and
soliciting feedback and recommendations.
This effort relates to
creating a general NL interface to FRDCSA.
(Such as using the
OAA nl module, TextMap, dialog clarification etc. as components
with some kind of unifying cont.)

Event Log
A system for recording events
Event log is a system for recording events and provides many
functions for assisting the user in visualizing and analyzing the
relationships between events.
It also handles fitlering events
and sending them to other agents using audience for visualization
with problemspace.

Event System
FRDCSA calendaring application
An event module for verber that processes events, lectures,
colloquia and seminars.
Warns user of approaching events, and
prevents events from being scheduled over by other actions without
adjustable autonomy.

A temporary Goal/Interest/Ability system for group coordination
In developing job-search, it became clear that when we wanted to
model the user's skills, clear could only model what they had
read, not actually done.
And one cannot claim to know
something by simply reading without demonstrable experience to
verify their understanding.
The requirement for better modelling
of the user's development experience also ties in nicely with our
recent initiative towards project internships.
So fieldgoal is
again a planning module that interfaces with a growing number of
systems - architect, job-search, clear, meeting, verber, etc. -
to achieve modelling of user experience and interests,
determination of suitable projects, and tracking of project

Advanced news and discussion forum
FormalForum is a news summarization system that works as live
intelligence feed / situational awareness system.
It uses various
technologies, like collaborative filtering, classification, etc,
to determine which stories it has collected from its sources the
user would be interested in. Ultimately we would like to
integrate reasonbase as a backend.
Similar to,, vivisimo, etc.

FRDCSA Reference
A large collection of our media which either promotes the FRDCSA
or justifies design choices of the FRDCSA.
It archives the
project documentation, deliverables, and history.
Also included
will be a translation of the frdcsa-reference for neurotypicals.

FRDCSA Programming Language
FRDCSAL consists of a programming language almost entirely on
natural language.
The system grows as it tries to interpret
"programs" of the extension .ai.
The EBNF of the language is:
Text := sigma star
Function := {Predicate} '(' {Text} ')'
Predicate := {Text}
The semantics are almost those of natural language.
There is no
central cohesion to the semantics.
The executor is written in a
combination of frdcsal and Perl.
A translation memory is kept
between frdcsal and Perl, and whenever the system cannot
adequately execute code, it asks the programmer supervisor to
resolve the problem by either deciding the case (through argument
if necessary) or drafting more code to implement that.
Needless to say the code is, um, self-documenting, hehe.
The obvious application is that as functionality is added to the
system, it will be able to parse almost arbitrary data to assist
it in its search.
The way in which the executor is developed,
based on techniques for interpretation rooted in the hard science
of the programming gives it its tremendous power.
.ai files can
include Perl for simplicity.

Project web visualization software
The FRDCSA is a forward-thinking organization rising to meet the
challenges of the 21st century's unprecidented technical
achievements and opportunities.
FWeb supports the Public
relations and functional requirements of the organization, in
support of its mission to effectively solve wide-ranging problems
through contributions to the free and open source software

Eat healthy, pass it on!
Gourmet is the belated response to Nikita Khrushchev's 1959
Kitchen Debate challenge: "Don't you have a machine that puts food
into the mouth and pushes it down?"
Well, not quite, but it
doesn't get any easier than this.
It is a very user friendly
system for improving people's health and nutrition.
It provides
suggestions and resources for healthy meals non-invasively and
without placing any burden on the user.
It has been shown to be
able to achieve enormous time (5x), cost (4x), nutrition and
palatability improvements, especially when using its advanced meal
planning capabilities.
There are numerous technical details that
make it very useful, especially for the target audiences of
developing countries, people of all nations in poverty, computer
users, people with obesity and other medical reasons, such as
allergies, kidney disease, diabetes, etc. Ironically, gourmet is
often dismissed out of hand as too hard to use, simply BECAUSE it
is a meal planner.

Lightweight prototype version of Gourmet
Gourmet is a sophisticated application, and therefore we have
developed a lightweight prototype system called gourmetjr (to
avoid namespace conflicts) to implement various features without
having to weight for the completion of the full version of
prerequisite features.
For instance, we don't have to finish the
refactoring of shops in order to have inventory.

Job search assistant
JobSearch performs many of the common tasks required in
negotiating jobs.
It helps users write their resumes, using
resume xml, interfacing with audience and Machiavelli, it helps
the user manage job opportunities, and aids in many other tasks in
order to make job searching a much less trying and a much more
sure process.
Moreover, it provides a selective advantage to
people who use open source software.

Knowledge-Based File System
KBFS stands for knowledge based file system.
It is wrong to call it a
file system, but it has a lot of features, and maybe could be
eventually made into a virtual file system.
Pack is a subsystem for packing files onto DVDs.
Mainly this is an
exercise for me in Object Oriented Perl programming.
Its a fun and
manageable domain.
The goal is to efficienty and orderly pack a given
media with the right directories.
Print nice labels, with barcodes for CD's/DVD's based on contents, for
reminders and correlation with the media relations part of kbfs.

Enhanced Emacs
KMax contains several enhancements to emacs.
There is the
possibility of using existing emacs or rewriting parts or all of
Example features include -Programming By Demonstration,
+recording all sessions -(semantically), -remapping keys based on
coding theory and mnemonics, opencyc-el integration, and an ai
that uses kmax as the basis of its visual system.
All of these
are partially complete except for the programaming by

Implements various learning methods.
The point of learner is so that learning some function requires
only using the learner library.
Each function to be learned is
given a name, (generally an extension of the current perl module)
so that the program need not specify storage files, etc. The type
of learner to be used is passed as an argument, and then calls to
the specific type of learning functions may be used.
As a bonus,
learner attempts to automatically determine which learner is to be
Maybe should also perform memoization using freekbs.

HCI-based task management, cognitive prosthesis
The user awareness component that is responsible for assisting the
user to operate on a reasonable Schedule.
It communicates with
several other systems to synthesize highly logical schedules and
And most importantly, it monitors the user's state:
where they are, what they are doing, what their physical and
psychological conditions are, and so forth.
It is primarily
responsible for making the user aware of their environmental,
needs and responsibilities.

Machine translation of documentation into many languages
Many projects are in need of translating their manual into other
Recent private conversations with authorities on the
subject suggest that existing machine translation tools would be
well suited to the task.
There are a great variety of tools out
there and this project coordinates with the other projects out
there, ultimatedly providing a proactive translation service by
automatically translating technical manuals for codebases, systems
and projects located by radar and relaying these translations to
FWeb will host automatically generated materials so
that upstream may download them.

Software to govern meetings
The software to govern meetings is a useful system for encoding
what is to be expected in a meeting.
We take Roberts Rules of
Order etc, as the basis for a program which mediates meetings,
and so forth.
We use audio and visual recording, as well as
automatic projection of relevant information, to make the entire
thing automatic and not dependent on the memory of people.

Implement various high-bandwidth interfaces
There are several planned interfaces.
The basic model is that the
computer has a high-bandwidth modality (video) for example, along
with a sophisticated program for computer vision pattern
detection, such as emotion recognition.
The output of this
recognition is used to create a feedback loop by displaying images
or text thought to be provactive in some respect to the user.
Overtime a model is created, with the hope that interaction will

System for Weak Artificial Intelligence
The myfrdcsa system implements our ontology of software, in
addition to being a leading project which coordinates other
Its role is mainly conceptual at this point as the key
ontology systems are not yet in place.
Currently it uses an
OO-Perl architecture which represents projects and systems, and
provides functionality that is too general for any of the current

Wrapper and post-processer for free OCR systems
OCRA removes dependence on commercial OCR software.
OCRA enhances
existing open source OCR systems via post processing of
recognition results, employing a statistical language model and a
word similarity scoring mechanism.
As well, it uses ccp,
pdftopbm, and gocr to create an end to end OCR system suitable
previously unavailable for input to such systems clear.

Semi-automatically package sources
An architecture for automatically packaging codebases for Linux
packaging systems, like Debian's deb format, RedHat's rpm, and
Slackware's tgz.
There are a number of strategies that we use to
enable packager to package codebases that have been discovered and
retrieved by radar.
Up until now we have simply hand-coded
algorithms in OO Perl.
But obviously, once we find more organized
methods, these will gradually replace the current throwaway
For example, we have considered is writing NPDDL
planning domains.
A key feature is that packager is able to learn
from the user in order to increase the class of codebases it can
And, just recently we have considered that existing
packages, along with their original codebase sources, provide a
wealth of information that could be used as input to machine
learning systems.
Package maintainence is also within the scope
of the packager project.

Legal reasoning decision making aid
Paralegal is a legal reasoning system.
It makes use of reasonbase
and other systems to perform legal reasoning.
It maintains a
formal model of the applicable law.
According to this it
determines the legitimacy of plans created by verber, preventing
verber from knowingly generating plans to accomplish illegal
It evaluates the legality of events as reported
through rsr.
For instance, if the person is the victim of a
crime, it may detect this and thus provide person with the
appropriate response.

Parking System
Manage parking considerations.
This project is a perfect instance of corruption of the project.
The project is dedicated to A.I. to help the masses, not little
bourgeois niceties.
However, it relates to the VSVRS.
provides advanced functionality for locating and switching between
safe and legal parking spots.

Perl API
There seems to be, amazingly enough, various standard library
features that are absent within CPAN.
PerlLib is therefore simply
a collection of miscellaneous modules developed for our other
systems that really belong in an api.
This may eventually relate
to the shared standard programming library, which is a
semi-automatically generated library of an enormous number of
standard algorithms with a knowledge base and expert systems.

Gourmet prototype
Rather than try to engineer the entire gourmet system at once, a
task which proved too difficult, we have focused instead in
building a toy system that nonetheless can serve to feed us in the
mean time.
This formalizes the interface, making the previous
bottlenecks of data extraction much easier because the target is

Operations management real-time strategy system
Problems need not be complex.
Very often the cause of a problem
is clear.
ProblemSpace is a system that visualizes problems, and
lets problem-solving tactitians make decisions that lead to
results for everyone involved.
ProblemSpace is a C2 system for
problem-solving tacticians.
It is an interface to augment
analysts with relevant intelligence and provide Mutual Assured
Security (MAS).
It provides roughly a real time strategy view of
executing operations, and also manages the planning of operations.

Integrated multi-agent planning, scheduling and execution
The pse system is currently responsible for organizing system
It does this by determining relations that hold between
various plan goals.
Currently, we are working with modelling
these relationships with ActionPredicates in opencyc.
A different
project is responsible for automatically translating sentences
into equivalent cyc representations using word sense
disambiguation, as well as machine translation.
generation is achieved through machine translation to the ISI
Halogen system's interlingua.

Rapid Application Discovery And Retrieval
RADAR is a catch-all system for creating ontologies of software
systems from web sources.
It is responsible for modelling the
state of various online software, and uses sophisticated
heuristics for retrieval.
Just as an example, it estimates the
stability (future availability) of the software in determining
whether to retrieve it to ration storage and bandwidth capacity,
and uses previous release timing to prioritize link checking and
reindexing of already indexed codebases.
It has many modes of
operation (spidering, request brokering), and we have not yet been
able to come up with a formal model of these behaviours, or to
diagram the architecture effectively.
The list of features is
also very extensive and, as we do not yet have a working
capabilities management system at time of writing, is not
Shortly, we expect to list its features automatically
on the FRDCSA website.

Reasoned debate with formal semantics
A system for representing arguments according to precise formal
semantics, promoting reasoned debate and rapid knowledge
This gives an operationalist scientific basis to
discussions, reducing them to syntactic operations.
eliminates large classes of debate tactics and generally informs
decisions which will improve objective conditions.

Rights Web
Indexes and analyzes constitutional law.
Indexes constitutional law across countries and vets and compares
their laws to determine laws that fail to "treat everyone well".
Uses Emdros or similar text database for markup.

RWhois Interface
Web based RWhois Interface
Allows the editting of rwhois information on a server running.

In a directory on a Debian system there lived a hobbit...
So, what is seed ai?
Although seed ai suffers from a transitive
closure violation unless one assumes a friendly environment, it is
worth developing such a system to speed things up.
In other
words, most programming that we are doing is declarative, there is
no real inferencing done by the software.
Now, we want the system
to do a lot of its own reasoning.
We don't need it to think so
intelligently that it can reason with absolute precision about
certain problems - in fact, the quid pro quo error of mathematics
is that very often something that is rejected as not being a
solution may have 100 % of the solution.
When this is desirable
is another constraint.
So, the same type of thinking is necessary
What we want out of it is introspection and a novel amount
of reasoning, but mainly, independence, gallant behaviour etc. We
would like it to solve its own problems, to get bored and switch
to others.
Mostly, to seek out answers to problems and fixes.
The large mechanisms for perception are readily available through
our comprehensive perl bindings.
But the ability to think and
act, not as an adult (lifting A.I. by its brooches so to speak),
nor precisely emulating biological cognitive structure, nor a
tediously exact code implementation.
No, it should be a complex
little cognitive architecture, with a visual buffer,
communication, etc. No draconian formalisms here.
No exactly
replication of behaviour.
But a seeker of knowledge.
like PIC in its complexity but not as exact...
It can get stuff
done because, although in exact, it is not open ended like
conceptnet, but self contained, constituting of most flavors of
cognitive systems theory without much to go.
Kind of a hobbit.

Customs, only lets the light in
Sanctus is a system that establishes a hermetic seal around a
computer as a sanctuary of light and knowledge.
Many strategies
are employed to detect trojan horses, negative symbols, impure
images, etc. It functions to quarantine the user as well as to
quantify the information flux onto the computer.
All data
transfers to and from the computer are initiated under
authorization from sanctus, which will most often check the
content using its most sophisticated content filters,
blacklisting, pattern recognition, etc.

Capabilities management for heterogenously skilled agents
Basically a reimplementation of capabilities management systems
like: A-Match or MatchMaker.
Can be applied to humans as well as

System for guiding searches of all kinds
Searches are more profitable when the correct procedures for
searches are followed.
This generally includes writing a
definition for the search.
Seeker integrates all the searchers
tools into a reusable platform.
It maintains a database of
current searches and even generates subsearches of its own based
on other system activities.
It also helps to regulate internet
access by changing usage patterns from browsing to specific

Setanta client programs
These programs include many scripts designed to improve onShore
operations and thus are not suitable for external use.

Integrated POS system
SHOPS is a Perl/MySQL-based POS system with a perpetual inventory
and several basic features.
It is designed to be easy to use, is
implemented in OO Perl, and interfaces with many FRDCSA systems to
provide more versatile capabilities.
It also incorporates modular
learning strategies to determine pricing and order quantities.

Generic inventory management library
Designed to handle home/small business inventory management.
reimplementation of the shops Inventory system but allowing
different kinds of inventory.
Basically, a system to know where
things are.
Interfaces with shops to manage business inventory,
and other program such as verber to provide logistics, gourmet to
manage food items inventory, and automatic online ordering through

Computational Ethics
SinLess is a psychometric reporting system for users to record
their present condition and beliefs, etc. sinless combines this
information with that from other systems and mines causal
Behaviour modification training, changes to SOPs,
and new goals are used to eliminate undesirable states.
also exports its functionality as a decision aid to other systems.

Sustained Virtual Reality Environment
When first envisioned, the VR technology did not really exist.
The original overly ambitious svre design featured things like a
sensory deprivation tank.
Now it is mainly a system to manage the
immediate physical environs of the programmer.
But as VR tech
develops we will keep an interested eye on it.
The point of svre
is to detach the user from physical-causal reality, and enter them
into a more verdant reality of explorable relationships enabled by

An (imaginary) place considered to be perfect or ideal
The svrs software environment contains: Elements - the collection
of simulators for each of the basic Shelter systems (climate,
waste, food, communications, etc.); hal - the actual control
software to be used in SVRSes; NeuroSys - planning domains for
shelter construction and COA/SOPs for living in the shelter;
GUESS: GIS tools for site selection; and generally all software
based shelter resources.
The name of the first svrs will be
The codename of the first location is "Jupiter".

SystemX requires a planner to interactively try out possible
teaching strategies, encompassing all aspects of the student
teacher interaction, and it should optimize on feedback.

General real world transportation planner
Transport coordinates all transportation planning.
This would
include, air, charter, bus, train, subway, car, foot, bike, ferry,
boat, etc. A part of it also interfaces with verber and Inventory
Management to help manage logistics.

Stream of consciousness multiagent system
UniLang coordinates the agents and allows them to send messages to
each other.
It performs multistrategy, context sensitive
classification and routing of messages.
It is very useful for
recording arbitrary thoughts, since it will route them to the
appropriate locations and services, performing translation where
necessary and possible, interacting with to disambiguate serious

Contingency planning, crisis management
Traditionally, planning systems are all about finding ways to
solve the combinatoric problem of satisfying a few goals.
these goals are selected is not usually of any consequence.
we really need is a system that understands what happens if, for
instance, you do not pay your rent.
Another thing, is that it
make sure that the daily average of some required thing exceeds
what it needs to be, hence ensuring that you don't fall behind.
So, our system is for instance able to reason as to what
consequences will happen if certain actions are taken or forsaken,
and on the basis of this, determine what it thinks are important
Involve some kind of automatic relational multidimensional queue.
Ensure that it looks at everything (completeness).
A planner that
looks at all possible actions, and calculates what is most
effective for you to do.

A text filter/web proxy that rewrites propaganda.
WOW wants to make people say wow when they see how linguistic
rewriting changes the meaning and they realize that the media is
intentionally confusing different concepts to their own
Even as someone who has read numerous books on
counter-propaganda this system was an eye-opener!