
Brief: An Android app pushed to market in 2011 for boycott management
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  • Helps the user to select products whose businesses are believed to act in accordance with the user's principles. It integrates with some Perl software called "elle Ethical Consumer", which is responsible for helping to generate boycott lists. Written by Skyy Siejko, Samuel Coddington, Kevin Davidson, Andrew Dougherty. I am releasing this per the agreement with elle Inc., and have also released the elle Ethical Consumer, in the hopes that some other android developers will take it and improve on it so that it will help people to vote with their dollars. It is being superseded by Koo's Koordinator web-based project, as well as boycott-manager. I really want there to be a crypto aspect where signatures are verified from trusted sources. Future versions might benefit from a (defeasible?) theorem prover for reasoning about who the user ought to buy from based on the knowledge available to them.