Free Logic Form

Brief: Generates logic forms of English sentences
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  •       Free Logic Form is a system for generating logic forms of English
          sentences. ( parser, by
          postprocessing the output of the Enju predicate parser
          Update: I have since found another freely available logic form parser on the web called Boxer.

          It is said that the Nutcracker RTE system, which uses Boxer, should be released to the public. However its author has not found the time to do so.
          Input:  The Earth provides the food we eat every day.
          Output: Earth:n_#1(x1) provide:v_#2(e1, x1, x2) food:n_#1(x2) we(x3) eat:v_#1(e2, x3, x2; x4) day:n_#1(x4)
          This is the first step for a FLOSS/Free Software/Open Source engine for:
          * Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE)
          * Question Answering (QA)
          Note that Enju itself has a license that does not appear to be free software.
          This system is part of the FormalizeICodebase.
          Note that the day after I wrote this I rewrote in OO Perl it to more comprehensive and implement more of the features we see in the datasets that have been released. More work remains but the system is already highly usable.
          The software has been released but do not use it for military purposes. Use it to improve the quality of life for everyone!

          Argument Precision = 0.683273
          Argument Recall = 0.637064
          Predicate Precision = 0.819827
          Predicate Recall = 0.831109