
  • GENERAL DESCRIPTION: -------------------- AKIRA is a run-time C++ multithreading and clusterable environment able to execute Software Agents and a web/system development platform to model their behaviour. The system core is made up of a server daemon that answers to AXP (KQML compliant language) requests and that executes agent's instances. A programming interface based on a C++ MACRO LANGUAGE and some automated scripts that allows to create new Agents complete the boundle. The whole system is written in C++ with an exstensive use of templates and design patterns and integrates different C++ open source software, implementing various aspects of the framework. Various soft computing technologies are provided, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Neural Networks, Anticipatory Classifiers... Is also present an high level psychologically valid Goal Oriented Programming Language: BDI (Belief Desire Intention) Model.