
  •   Attempto Parsing Engine for ACE 6.0
      Copyright 2008 Attempto Group, University of Zurich
      This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
    Please visit for details.
    Command-line arguments:
      -text "TEXT"     The input ACE text.
    If neither -text nor -file is present then the ACE text is read from stdin.
    -file FILENAME   The input file containing the ACE text.
    -ulex FILENAME   The user lexicon file to be loaded.
    -solo OUTPUT     Output just one output component.
    OUTPUT has to be one of {paraphrase,paraphrase1,paraphrase2,owlfss,owlrdf,owlxml,
    -cdrs            Output the DRS as a Prolog term.
    -cdrsxml         Output the DRS in XML.
    -cdrspp          Output the DRS in pretty-printed form.
    -cdrshtml        Output the DRS in pretty-printed form in HTML.
    -cparaphrase     Output a paraphrase which is a "best-effort" combination of paraphrase1 and paraphrase2.
    -cparaphrase1    Output a paraphrase which uses full sentences instead of relative clauses.
    -cparaphrase2    Output a paraphrase which uses relative clauses instead of full sentences.
    -ctokens         Output tokens as a Prolog list of lists.
    -csentences      Output sentences as a Prolog list.
    -csyntax         Output syntax trees as a Prolog list.
    -csyntaxpp       Output syntax trees in pretty-printed form.
    -cowlfss         Output OWL 2/SWRL in the Functional-Style Syntax representation.
    -cowlrdf         Output OWL 2/SWRL in the RDF/XML representation.
    -cowlxml         Output OWL 2 in the XML representation (but in case of SWRL use RDF/XML).
    -cfol            Output standard first-order logic representations (default form and prenex normal form) of the DRS as a Prolog term.
    -uri URI         URI for the OWL outputs.
    -guess           Guess the word-class of unknown words.
    -help            Shows this help page.