This directory provides a pre-release snapshot of the forthcoming 1214 version
of the ERG, which is a ‘patch’ release addressing minor deficiencies in 1212.
The core of the 1214 release has practically been frozen since late 2014, and
this pre-release version has been in use already.
Since, we have slowly and
lovingly improved interface aspects, notably the Semantic Interface (SEM-I),
generation, and final sets of gold-standard treebanks.
As of May 3 2016, all
treebanks are in near-perfect condition, the SEM-I is stable, and there are at
most minor pending revisions to generator trigger rules.
Fially, the release
‘collateral’ (this file and ‘etc/redwoods.xls’) remain to be updated.
official release of this version of the ERG is planned for mid-May 2016.