
  • 2. As ILIAS admin, go to the 'Administration >> Authentication and Registration' options and click on the link for the 'Shibboleth' settings. 3. Activate the "Enable Shibboleth Support" checkbox on the top. After defining the default user role for new users registering via Shibboleth and the name of the Shibboleth federation this service is part of, you have to define whether the Shibboleth users shall select their home organization directly on the ILIAS login page or on an external page. If you have chosen to use the ILIAS WAYF, you have to make sure that Shibboleth is configured to have a default applicationId for the element and that the default Shibboleth handlerURL is configured to be "/Shibboleth.sso", which usually is the default setting for Shibboleth. To check that, open the shibboleth.xml configuration file and lookg for the element, which must have an attribute 'applicationId', e.g. applicationId="default". If you don't want to use the default session initiator (for example because your ILIAS installation is part of several federation), you can specify a location of a session initiator for a Identity Provider as a third argument. The session inititors can be found in the shibboleth.xml configuration file as well. If you chose to use an external WAYF, fill in an URL to an image that is to be used for the login button. Default ist 'images/shib_login_button.gif' The login instructions can be used to place a message for Shibboleth users on the login page. These instructions are independent from the current language the user has chosen. Read below what you can use the data manipulation file for. 4. Fill in the fields of the form for the attribute mapping. You need to provide the names of the environment variables that contain the Shibboleth attributes for the unique ID, firstname, surname, etc. This e.g. could be 'HTTP_SHIB_PERSON_SURNAME' for the person's last name. Refer to the Shibboleth documentation or the documentation of your Shibboleth federation for information on which attributes are available. Especially the field for the 'unique Shibboleth attribute' is of great importance because this attribute is used for the user mapping between ILIAS and Shibboleth users. ############################################################################# Shibboleth Attributes needed by ILIAS: For ILIAS to work properly Shibboleth should at least provide the attributes that are used as firstname, lastname and email in ILIAS. Furthermore, you have to provide an attribute that contains a unique value for each use. This could e.g. also be the users emailaddress. This unique attribute is needed to map the ILIAS user name to a certain Shibboleth user.