Make sure you have `python3.6` and the `pip` module installed.
We recommend using [conda environments](
1. Navigate to the root folder of this repository (the same folder that contains this README file)
and run `pip install -r requirements.txt`.
Note: If you are using a conda env and any packages fail to compile during this step, you may need to first install those packages separately with `conda install package_name`.
1. Wait for all the requirements to be downloaded and installed.
1. Run `python install` to install this module.
This will also download the Word2vec model files.
If the download fails, manually download the [model](,
[word embeddings]( and
[output embeddings]( and put them in mat2vec/training/models.
1. Finalize your chemdataextractor installation by executing ``cde data download`` (You may need to restart your virtual environment for the cde command line interface to be found).
1. You are ready to go!