which contains x,y chromaticities as well as decimal and integer/hex RGB data.
Unfortunately, the decimal values used for Redshift are not gamma-corrected
while the others are.
The gamma correction is part of the sRGB specifications
and is described in detail at
It can roughly
be approximated by a power law with an exponent gamma about 2.2. Omitting this
correction results in exaggerated color values.
A minor issue concerns the
standard whitepoints which are slightly off the Planckian locus.
In particular,
D65 (which corresponds to maximized RGB=1,1,1 in sRGB) contains slightly more
green than 6500 K blackbody color.
The developers of Redshift solved this by
rescaling the RGB values to match 1,1,1 at 6500 K. This, however, leads to
slightly incorrect colors.