
  • * [triageServer]( generates the web archive (*.war) file that runs on a web application container (such as Jetty, Tomcat, Glassfish, etc). * [skmTriage]( contains the server-side logic for all administrative commands to generate, populate and edit the underlying database * [triageClientApp]( generates the *.swf file for the Flex web-application * [triageClientComponents]( generates the *.swc library containing all the logic of the triageModule Flex component. * [skmCore]( provides a basic layer on top of the digitalLibrary for other text mining applications using UIMA. * [digitalLibraryDao]( provides a data access to the system for base citaiton and document functions. * [lapdftext]( is the core library for manipulating PDF documents. * [lapdftextVpdmf]( links the lapdftext library to the VPDMf framework via the FTD model. * [bmkeg-as-parent]( manages maven meta-data for AS projects. * [bmkeg-parent]( manages maven meta-data for Java projects.