• The following would be the standard approach of identifying the ontological primitives in QR. An ontological primitive (e.g., a quantity) has: * Exactly one **identifier**, consisting of an integer that is automatically assigned by an internal counter. The integer is appended to the path of the circle URI. Example: `localhost:5000/circle/17`. This is also used for dereferencing the circle and for sending HTTP requests from the client to the server. * Zero or more **descriptive label**s. The most recently assigned descriptive label is set as the `rdfs:label` of the identifier and is displayed in the User Interface. All other descriptive labels are asserted as `qsim:old_label` literals (possibly including the timestamp of its abolition). Example: `< localhost:5000/circle/17, rdfs:label, "boom" >`, `< localhost:5000/circle/17, qsim:old_label, 'Tree' >`. If the user types text in a circle that is not a URI, then we assume it is a descriptive label. * Zero or more **concept name**s that are existing URIs in the LOD. If the user types text in a circle that is a URI, this is assumed to be a concept name. An `owl:sameAs` relation with the identifier is asserted.