On the technical side of things, EL:DIABLO provides the information and scripts
necessary to set up a [virtual machine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_machine)
on a user's computer.
For those not familiar, this can be thought of as a
computer within a computer.
EL:DIABLO relies on [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/),
and by extension [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/), to set up this
virtual environment.
These two pieces of software allow for the easy setup and
use of a virtual machine.
Thus, two of the files contained within EL:DIABLO are
a `Vagrantfile`, which gives instructions to Vagrant on how to setup the virtual
machine, and `bootstrap.sh`, which is a [shell script](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_script)
that installs the necessary software within the virtual machine.