
Brief: Records users' work on various projects
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Code: GitHub

  • The name Brain Leach was tip of the tounge humor from Joe Gresham regarding this functionality. Brainleach records session commands. It keeps a basic, expandable todo list (an [[HTN]]). There is a current task context which is defined as a subset of goals from the HTN. The most precise context is obtained by taking the current task context and repeatedly applying the following rule: if all children of a node are in the set, the parent is included and the children removed. As atomized commands are recorded into the [[Atomized Command List]], each terminal node in the HTN is associated with a subsequence of the [[Atomized Command List]], called the [[Task Script]], s.t. foreach element s_i in S exists s_j in S j>i s.t. depends(S_j,S_i), and that the sequence is sufficient to achieve the task. These commands can then be reapplied against a system automatically to reobtain the result. It is possible to edit the sequences ex post facto. All instances of [[task script]] are stored in a database that can be consulted for reference. There are also added to the wiki. Tasks in the HTN are associated with RT tickets. Based on closing of tickets, preference relations, and possibly judgements of the complexity and necessity of various tasks, scores are computed for productivity that are fed into the score system. Possibly there should be visualization of the progress of the systems in [[problemspace]] or [[setanta]]. There are checklist lookups and automated assistance. The computer can take over the completion of more complex tasks. In this way, [[task script]]s are automatically developed for various tasks and added to a library. The [[task script]]s are also added to the wiki in docbook style formatting. Comments are also solicited from the user, and the system often asks the user to clarify what the previous steps accomplished. The user is able to issue commands to interact with the task database. For now it only works off the shell and in emacs and possibly screen, but in the future should be more responsive to using more programs. The problem is that we cannot currently record them. Brainleach gets emacs input from manager::Records::Context. Should have an interface for auto-posting to RT about what has already been done. Records all sessions, so as to provide the ability to review later when that code is complete.